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Bravo Romeo Delta
From Free Spirit Software
The Introduction
Bravo Romeo Delta is a real-time, menu-driven, global scale simulation of
strategic nuclear war as seen from the command/control perspective. In this
simulation, the player assumes the role of either the Chief Target Planner at
the Strategic Air Command (U.S.) or the Commander of the Strategic Rocket
Forces. The Computer will play the role of the U.S. or Commonwealth President
and evaluate your progress. For clarity, we will use the phrases 'Soviet'
and 'Commonwealth' interchangeably.
The Scenario
During a major Soviet naval exercise, 50% of the ballistic missile subs are
deployed to sea and a limited nuclear strike is launched on American targets.
All other Soviet and American forces are on day-to-day alert.
Soviet Player: Respond to possible American counterstrike with restraint, but
maintain now favorable balance of power while the Kremlin negotiates a
American Player: Launch a limited second strike against targets that are
selected to demonstrate the resolve of your political leadership while
avoiding escalation.
Victory (?) conditions: At various points in the conflict, your political
leader will analyze the course of the war from a remote location with a
sperate communication link. Based on the picture that your leader is given,
your success in applying the nation's strategy to accomplish your assigned
task will be judged. The political leader will take into account such
factors as casualties inflicted and taken, the shift in the CoF (for the
Soviet player), target kills versus losses, and the effectiveness of the
communication network. Consult the Designer's Notes for a comprehensive
discussion of national targeting strategy.
Game Play
The game is broken into three areas of play; Command Control, Tactical
Warning and Attack assesment, and the Nuclear Strike Plan Generator. Part of
the enjoyment of this game is deciding how to handle these three areas in
relation to one another, as well as in the context of your county's military
philosphy. The importance of each of these areas of play can be roughly
summarized as follows:
Command/Control Menu: Used to evaluate the current alert levels and readiness
of your strategic forces, and to issue commands alerting those levels. Your
communications network effeciency is tracked here as well.
Tactical Warning and Attack Assesment Menu: Used to recieve messages from all
NORAD units (PVO-Strany for the Soviet Union.) Casuality figures are here
as well.
Nuclear Strike Plan Generator Menu: Used to choose targets and payloads to
meet your nations objectives.
The Main Menu:
The Main Menu allows access to the three menus, as well as allowing you to
accelerate game time, and save games in progress.
The screen is divided into four quarters. The top left quarter is where the
current game-time and game-day is displayed, along with the game save, and
acclerate icons. The upper right quarter will take you to the Command/Control
Menu, the lower left quarter will take you to the Nuclear Strike Plan
Generator and the lower right quarter will take you to the Tactical Warning
and Attack Assesment Menu. Clicking the mouse pointer over the desired are
will activate the display
Accelerate Icon - Clicking on this icon once will accelerate time
approximately 2x. A second click will accelerate time approximately
5x. The rate of acceleration of time will depend on your computer
processor speed.
Normal Time Icon - Clicking this icon will turn off all time
Game Save and Exit Icon - Clicking this icon will exit the game with
an aption to save the game in progress. This procedure will create
a save game file on your game disk.
Up & Down Arrows - Used to move through choices within many aspects
of the game.
Main Menu Icon - Clicking this icon will take you back to the main
menu from each of the sub menus.
The Command/Control Menu:
Launch Control Center Icon - By clicking this icon, a player can
receive the number, type and alert level of ICBMs at a given command
center. Alert levels for an ICBM include normal readiness (which
allows a missle launch within minutes of recieving an order - at
least seven minutes for a mobile ICMB.) At the next level, there is
a slight difference in launch readiness since the ICBM unit is
considered to be in launch-under attack/impact mode. This gives the
Lcc crew full authority to select targets and launch missiles if
early waning radar relays notice of incomming warheads or if a
nuclear weapon detinates nearby.
SSBN Icon - There are four levels for ballistic missile submarines.
The lowest level is a state that exists when the sub is docked and
bringing its reactor on-line.
Docked submarines will be responsive to commands until the reactors
are on-line. At the next level, "bastion mode", the sub is docked
but has its reactor running. The next level is non-alert-at-sea. In
this state submarines are in maximum concealment and can launch
weapons within 1-2 hours of recieving an order. The fourth state is
"alert-at-sea". In this state an SSBN travels near the surface for
ease of communications but at the expense of survivability. Firing
weapons, in this state, can be done within minutes.
Bomber Base Icon - There are 3 alert levels for a primary bomber
base. at the lowest level, bombers on base require 1-2 hours to
get airborne upon receipt of nuclear strike instructions. At the
next alert level,strip alert, the aircraft are taxied onto the runway
and are ready for takeoff if a strike is ordered or if ther is a
warning or incoming warheads. Strategic bomers at the highest alert
level are place in the air.
Alert Icon - The readiness of nuclear forces can be increased on level
by clicking this icon. However, it may take units up to one hour to
their alert posture.
Combat Support Icon - Through this icon, the player can examine the
status of nuclear combat support units. This includes the network of
spy satellites and other intelligence collection assets. In addition
to spy satellites, the intelligence collection assets include
listening posts, airborne moving target indicators,optical, infared
and radar surveillance from space or high altitude aircraft, radio
direction finding from satellites, aircraft and fixed ground sites,
surveillance from ships and submarines, seismic detectors and nuclear
burst sensors and reconnaisance obtained from bombers that have
penetrated air defenses.
The Tactical Warning & Assessment Menu
A flashing border on the screen indicates a message from the tactical warning
and attack assessment units. This is the responsibility of NORAD in the U.S.
or PVO-Strany in the Soviet Union.
Anti-Submarine Icon - The sinking of an enemy ballistic missile
submarine will generate a report specifying the type of submarine
and weapons associates with it.
Nuclear Burst Icon - A nuclear detonation will be detected by an array
of burst sensors and then combined with navagational and weather
inputs. By determining the direction of arrival of the nuclear flash
to the sensor network, the number of bursts and intensity of
explosions, a report will be created estimating the size of the
explosion, number of detonations, location and whether there was
an airburst, surface burst, or space burst. global winds will spread
fallout from destroyed nuclear reactors in an easterly direction.
ABM Icon - If a targeted area is defended by an anti-ballistic missile
system (ABM), the crews will atempt to intercept any incoming
warheads. This will be reported as a launch or interception.
Early Warning Icon - Incoming nuclear warheads are tracked by early
warning radars of varying sophistication. This icon can also be
used to obtain reports of missile launches that are tarcked by
Air Defense Icon - This channel will report enemy aircraft or cruise
missiles by air defenses.
The Nuclear Strike Plan Generator:
This menu will display the maximum number of warheads that your political
leadership has sanctioned for use. Based on a political evaluation of the
crisis, the number of warheads recommended in proportion to the scale of the
enemy attack/counterattack may increase, decrease, or remain constant. If
trends indicate a favorable campaign, your leadership will decrease the level
of violence; whereas unfavorable trends may cause the leadership to either
continue to conflict at an escalated level or opt for a conditional surrender.
Mixed results may produce either a sustained or slightly higher level of
violence being authorized.
Target Class Icons - A target database lists all areas that meet the political
goals and objectives in a given scenario as well as those areas which could
be subjected to collateral damage (damage in surrounding populated areas).
To change a target class, simply click over one icon in the column on the
right of the screen.
There are three types of nuclear strikes:
* A blunting (or Bravo) strike is an attack directed against enemy
nuclear forces in an effort to disarm.
* A retardation (or Romeo) strike is an attack aimed at destroying or
temporarily disabling enemy communications, early warning systems,
and electronic intelligence assests.
* A disruptive (or Delta) strike is an attack focussing on enemy
urban/industrial assests with the intent of delaying post-war
There are eight steps required to select a target and launch a nuclear strike.
1) Select a target class from the column of icons along the right
edge of the screen.
2) Use the up and down arrow icons to locate a specific target.
3) Click in the Target Display box to confirm your target selection.
4) Use the up and down arrow icons to locate a specific delivery
5) Click on the Delivery Vehicle Icon to confirm your vehicle
6) Use the up and down icons to select the number of warheads to
7) Click on the Target Display box to finalize your delivery vehicle
8) Click on the Launch Icon to initiate the strike.
Target Data Box - Once a target clas is determined, the targeting computer
will automatically select the first target on the list of priorities by
analyzing available reconnaissance and resources for a strike. Assuming the
recent intelligence has been collected in the target area, the following
information will be displayed:
* Target class (i.e. mobile ICBM sites, urban/industrial assets)
* Status - active/destroyed (destroyed silos for ICBM units)
* Weather
* Forces deployed (ICBM silos may be empty), surviving population
(neither injured nor killed), or capacity (for nuclear power plants)
* Hardness (pounds per square inch)
* Mobility (meters per second)
* Latitude and Longitude
* ABM defenses in area
* Radioactive contamination present
Abort Icon - This icon can abort the current strike plan anytime
after the target box is clicked.
Delivery Vehicle Icon - Once a suitable target has been selected, the
computer will recommend the LEAST CAPABLE delivery vehicle that can
accomplish the task. Clicking this icon will confirm the choice of
delivery vehicle. The following will be displayed:
* Type (Ii.e. Bomber, ICBM)
* Hard target kill effeciency
* Component reliability (Pr)
* Speed (meters/second)
* Range (kilometers)
* Payload (i.e. air-launched missle, multiple warhead)
Payload Display Icon - Clicking on this icon will allow bombers to
attack with alternative weapons, such as bombs instead of cruise
Launch Icon - Once the bomb damage computer has finished these
the strike plan can be submitted to your battle staff to handle all
of the operational details by clicking this icon.
Abbreviations and Acronyms:
ABM Antiballistic Missils
ASAT Antisaytellite
ASW Antisubmarine Warfare
BMEWS Baallistic Missle Early Warning System
C3I Command, Control, Commujications, and Intelligence.
DEW Distant Early Warning
EAW Emergency Action Message
EHF Extremely High Frequency
ELF Extremely Low Frequency
EMP Electromagentic Pulse
HF High Frequency
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
IRBM Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile
LF Low Frequency
MF Medium Frequency
MIRV Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicle
MRBM Medium-Range Ballistic Missile
NDS Nuclear Detection System
OTH-B Over-The-Horizon Backscatter
RVSN Strategic Rocket Forces (Soviet acronym)
SAC Strategic Air Command
SSBN Nuclear ballistic missile submarine
SSN Nuclear attack submarine
TVD Theater of military action (Soviet)
VLF Very Low Frequency
VPVO Air Defense Forces (Soviet)